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Ulrich Marine adds Ikon Boats to their line up


The biggest buzz in the bass boat world is the new Ikon Boat designed in part by MLF Angler Jacob Wheeler. Created by HBC Yatchs, the Ikon Bass Boats are a tribute to the Hydro-Sports boats from over 40 years ago. 

Born of an iKonic spirit, the LX series epitomizes the power of a lifelong passion for fishing in a changing world. Jacob Wheeler partnered with a team of sophisticated yacht engineers to push the limits and redefine history. Heritage grows from innovation, and people of excellence enable us to take on today’s challenges – and win!

The 2-piece flexible architecture used in our “iKonic Terrain” (iT) stringer and deck design(s) were optimized to yield more fishing real estate than any other product in the game. If someone says size doesn’t matter, take a look at our fishing storage. Our forward fishing locker is fitted with over 21.5 cubit feet and sets the record to be outrigged over 50 Plano boxes while leaving ample room for spare clothing. It’s so big, it can be used as a personal storm shelter if empty. The rod locker can store a staggering 36 rods measuring 9’8’’. Our ultra-dry, tall gutter system protects our waterproof hatches for the wettest climates with a polished finish under-the-hood. The days of water spilling into your rear mechanical hatches are finally over.

To learn more about Ikon Boats contact Ulrich Marine in Branson West MO at 417-272-1841 or visit theor website at

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